Alcohol Addiction Treament
Alcohol Addiction Treament What Are The Goals Of Alcohol Addiction Treatment?
Alcohol addiction treatment is an important part of recovery. It can help you understand the reasons that led to your drinking and guide you through the process of changing your behavior. Alcohol rehab programs include both inpatient and outpatient options and are offered at facilities all over the country. Below, we’ve answered some common questions about getting help for alcoholism:
Alcohol addiction treatment is a process of learning how to live without alcohol. The goals of alcohol rehab are to help you achieve these outcomes:
- Stop drinking
- Reduce your cravings for alcohol
- Learn how to cope with stress without drinking
- Learn how to deal with your emotions without drinking
Which Type Of Alcohol Rehab Is Best For Me?
If you’re struggling with alcohol abuse, you may be wondering which type of rehab is best for your situation. Inpatient and outpatient rehab are both effective in helping patients overcome their addictions, but each type has its own strengths and weaknesses.
Inpatient treatment offers a safe environment that allows patients to focus on their recovery without distractions from home or work. Patients live on-site at the facility during treatment so they can easily get support from other patients and counselors 24/7. These programs also offer comprehensive therapy options such as group counseling sessions and one-on-one therapy sessions with a psychologist or therapist who specializes in addiction treatment. Because these programs require total commitment to sobriety (including abstinence from alcohol), they help people form new habits that are easier to keep once they return home after completing the program.
On the other hand, outpatient programs allow patients who need to keep working or otherwise maintain some level of independence while getting treated for alcoholism because they don’t require full commitment until after graduating from an intensive phase of care that lasts up to 90 days.* During this phase*, patients attend therapy sessions either by themselves or with others depending on what’s recommended by their healthcare provider.*
What To Expect At Inpatient And Outpatient Alcohol Rehab.
Inpatient alcohol rehab
- What to expect:
This type of treatment is the most intensive and long-term option. It’s also the most successful for people with serious addictions, including those with childhood trauma or brain damage. If you’re eligible, you’ll go through a medical detox that usually lasts between five days and one month. You will be medically monitored while gradually reducing your dependence on alcohol through medications that reduce cravings, withdrawal symptoms and other symptoms associated with alcoholism. After this phase is completed, you’ll participate in group counseling sessions and individual therapy designed to help heal the underlying issues that caused your addiction in the first place while teaching relapse prevention skills.
- Outpatient alcohol rehab
What to expect: This type of treatment is less intensive than residential treatment but still involves regular support groups (usually weekly) as well as individual counseling sessions where you can discuss any issues related to your specific diagnosis (i.e. if it’s PTSD). There are also various workshops available depending on how severe your addiction problem has been thus far; these workshops may include things like cooking classes or art therapy activities.*What happens during rehab?*Medically supervised detoxification helps reduce withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, sweating and vomiting so they don’t cause complications during withdrawal from alcohol abuse before starting rehabilitation efforts such as education about how addiction works; psycho-social counseling meant to address underlying issues contributing towards substance abuse; cognitive behavioral training which teaches mindfulness techniques such as meditation; relaxation training lessons taught by therapists who specialize in helping patients learn deep breathing exercises designed to calm them down when they’re stressed out or overwhelmed by emotions triggered by memories associated with traumatic experiences; group therapy sessions where individuals share stories about what led up until now but more importantly how their past experiences affected them emotionally today–this helps show others struggling with similar issues how they too can overcome obstacles standing between themselves right now facing hard times
Will I Experience Withdrawal During Alcohol Addiction Treatment?
- How to prepare for alcohol withdrawal:
- What to expect during alcohol withdrawal:
- Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal: Sweating, chills, and tremors.
Fever and/or shivering.
Anxiety and restlessness (including pacing).
Nausea or vomiting. - Alcohol withdrawal timeline: Days 1-3 (acute) – Acute symptoms begin to appear within 4-12 hours after you drink your last drink and peak between 48–72 hours after your last drink. These include feelings of tension, anxiety, irritability or agitation; nervousness; difficulty sleeping or unusual dreams; headache; fatigue; nausea/vomiting especially with hangovers that occur when you don’t eat enough food before drinking alcohol again in the morning after waking up from a “black out” episode where you don’t remember anything from the previous night’s drinking binge because it was so intense that it caused brain damage to its receptors which require weeks before they heal themselves back into working order again once they’ve been damaged by heavy drinking over long periods of time without any breaks taken between binges so as not allow them sufficient time needed for repair work done by our bodies cells’ natural healing processes which takes place automatically inside us every single day without us even having control over this happenings taking place inside us automatically 24 hours per day 365 days per year no matter what we do or don’t do about getting ourselves help if needed because these kinds of things are already programmed into our DNA programming code as built-in safeguards against potential dangers lurking from anywhere throughout life such as exposure too much radiation exposure which could potentially cause cancerous tumors developing inside our brains due sometimes when certain chemicals react together producing toxic gases which can harm living cells causing them death under certain conditions like when exposed too long periods at once without enough oxygen being available nearby so if left untreated will cause cellular death leading eventually death itself
What Is A Medical Detox For Alcoholism?
The word detox is often used to describe a withdrawal process, but it’s actually more specific than that. Medical detoxification is the period of time in which your body goes through the physical effects of alcohol withdrawal and leaves you sober enough to begin treatment for alcoholism. It usually involves some type of medication that helps support your body as it works through these effects, though how long it lasts will depend on many factors (including how much you’ve been drinking).
During this time, you may experience some symptoms like nausea or anxiety—and those are just the beginning. Withdrawal from alcohol can last anywhere from three days to two weeks and cause symptoms ranging from mild discomfort all the way up to serious health problems such as seizures or delirium tremens (DTs). These symptoms will peak between 24 hours and 7 days after quitting cold turkey. If they don’t subside after this point, then medical attention should be sought immediately because DTs could become life-threatening if not treated right away!
What Will My Daily Schedule Look Like At Inpatient Alcohol Rehab?
Depending on the type of program you choose, your daily schedule may be structured or unstructured. Outpatient rehab has a more flexible schedule and allows you to choose your own activities. Inpatient rehab is more rigid and has a set schedule for every day.
This section will help you understand what kind of schedule you can expect, no matter which type of alcohol treatment program you attend:
- What will my daily schedule look like at an inpatient alcohol rehab?
- What will my daily schedule look like at an outpatient alcohol rehab?
How Long Does Alcohol Rehab Last?
Alcohol rehab can last from 30 days to 6 months, depending on the individual. Longer treatment is usually more effective, but if you have a chronic illness or substance use disorder with associated mental health issues, your doctor may recommend that you stay in care for longer than 90 days.
Does Insurance Cover Alcohol Addiction Treatment?
Good news: Most private health insurance plans do cover at least some of the cost of alcohol addiction treatment. It’s important to check with your health plan and see what services are covered, how much you will have to pay out of pocket, and how many days per year those services can be used before you need a new referral from your doctor or mental health professional.
Most people with the public (Medicaid) or private insurance can get into an inpatient rehabilitation program without having to pay anything out of pocket. For example, most states require that Medicaid/Medicare cover residential alcohol rehab treatment as part of their managed care plans.
There may also be ways you can get help paying for treatment even if your insurance doesn’t cover rehab due to budgeting limitations or other factors; this guide lays out everything we know about getting financial aid for substance abuse treatment.
What Should I Bring To An Alcohol Treatment Center?
- Make sure you bring your insurance card, medications, and personal items.
- Bring a phone and charger if you have one.
- Pack some clothes and toiletries in case you have to stay overnight during detox or treatment. Ask what the center recommends for clothing, as it may be different than what you usually wear.
- Bring your favorite books or magazines to read while at the center. You can also request any reading material that might be helpful while in treatment (such as addiction recovery handbooks).
- Talk with your doctor about whether or not it’s appropriate for you to bring an electronic device such as an iPad or Kindle during treatment; many facilities allow them only during designated “quiet time,” but others permit them 24/7 after patient safety is assured through non-invasive scanning technology such as RFID chips embedded into clothing items that allow staff members instantaneous access without having to remove anything from pockets/bags, etc
Alcohol addiction treatment is a challenging and rewarding experience. It can be the first step to getting your life back on track and living a healthier, happier life. However, if you or someone you love is struggling with alcoholism, don’t wait another minute before seeking help from an experienced professional!